Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Letter from God the Father Almighty...

“Child, it is I Yahweh, your Father in Heaven. I come to thank you for your faithfulness in adoring My Son‘s mutilated body. So much did My Son endure for the salvation of mankind. So much does He still endure as a sacrifice to Me for the reparation of the sins of this world. Without His sacrifice I would have lost all My creations to the hand of evil.

His daily sacrifice and reparation is a never-ending cycle in order to save you. The acceptance, understanding, humility and pain that is yet to be understood by mankind. Oh how much loyalty and honor My Son deserves from every soul is so tremendous. How could mankind ever repay My Son, repay His Mother, Your Mother who greaves and suffers daily with Him? Watching My Son’s wounds reopen and pour of His blood over humanity draws every tear from My eyes. How brave and devoted He is to the cause of saving you all.

Soon all pain and suffering will cease throughout the world I created and throughout Heaven. Yes child, soon, very soon, all will stop and My majesty will be shown. Every man will know that I Am God. I Am the Creator and that I Am the Beginning and the End. Truly this time is coming.

My Prophet suffers and she endures the pain and the agony with My Holy Family. Pray for her child. Offer much sacrifice as her spirit is bewildered with the world and her task. She knows My hand is upon her and she knows that what I have called her to do is greater than she. 

Pray this prayer to bring her the strength she needs to fulfill, this mission for the salvation of mankind.

"Oh glorious Father in Heaven, hear our plea and our cry to You this day and every day.

Bless the prophet You have so lovingly sent to us, to give us Your Words, Your warning of Mercy, Your Love.

Grace her in abundance with the seven gifts of Your Holy Spirit so she may fulfill all that has been told and asked of her.

She is but one amongst billions, that You have chosen to help us achieve our rightful inheritance.

Guide her to the fullness of Your grace and the fulfillment of Your Holy Scripture.

Through the Precious Blood Your Son shed we ask You Almighty Eternal Father to bless her and strengthen her until all is complete."


“Go now My child, share My Words and pray much, much more.”


God the Almighty


Pope: Jesus is our peace, a peace that is never neutral or compromise at all costs

At the Angelus Francis stresses that "division" that Jesus brings implies that faith is not the “icing on the cake”, rather faith implies “renouncing evil, selfishness and choosing good, the truth, justice, even when it requires sacrifice and renunciation of one's own interests. " And this can divide "even the closest bonds." Faith and violence are incompatible. In this Year of Faith, we must keep our gaze fixed on Jesus. A prayer for the victims of the ferry disaster in the Philippines and for peace in Egypt.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "Jesus is our peace, He is our reconciliation! But this peace is not neutrality, it is not compromise at all costs. Following Jesus means renouncing evil, selfishness and choosing good, truth, justice, even when it requires sacrifice and the renunciation of one's own interests".  These were the words of Pope Francis at the Angelus today with the pilgrims in St Peter's Square. The pontiff's took his cue from a statement by Jesus in the Sunday Gospel (XX during year, C, Luke 12, 49-57) in which he says: "Do you think that I have come to establish peace on the earth? No, I tell you, but rather division"(Luke 12:51). And Francis points out that this word "troubles us, and ... has to be explained, otherwise it can lead to misunderstanding."
He explains: "Jesus says to his disciples:" Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division "(Luke 12:51). What does this mean? It means that faith is not a decorative, ornamental thing, you do not decorate your life with a little bit of religion". "Faith - he adds in an unscripted refelction - is not a decoration, as if it were simply the icing on the cake!"

"No Faith involves choosing God as a basic criterion for life, and God is not empty, it is not neutral, God is love! After Jesus came into the world, we can no longer act as if we do not know God. God has a face, He has a name: God is mercy, He is faithfulness, He is life-giving. This is why Jesus says: I have come to bring division, not that Jesus wants to divide people from each other, on the contrary, Jesus is our peace, He is reconciliation! But this peace is not neutrality, it is not compromise at any cost. This peace is not the peace of the grave! Following Jesus means renouncing evil, selfishness and choosing good, truth, justice, even when it requires sacrifice and renunciation of one's own interests. And this divide, we know, also divides the closest bonds. But beware: it is not Jesus who divides! He places the criterion: live for yourself, or live for God and for others; be served, or serve; obey the self, or obey God.  This is how Jesus is a "sign of contradiction" (Lk 2:34). "
The Pope also pointed to another consequence: "This word from the Gospel does not authorize the use of force to spread the faith. It does the exact opposite: the true strength of the Christian is the power of truth and love, which involves renouncing all violence. Faith and violence are incompatible". And he added speaking off the cuff: "Faith and violence are incompatible. Instead faith and courage go together".

Previously, he also cited a passage from the second reading of today's Mass (Hebrews 12:1-4): " let us rid ourselves of every burden and sin that clings to us, and persevere in running the race that lies before us, while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of faith."(Heb 12:1-2). "It's an expression - he added - that we must emphasize especially in this Year of Faith. We too, throughout this year, we must keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, because faith, which is our" yes "to the relationship with God, comes from Him: He is the only mediator of this relationship between us and our Father who is in heaven. Jesus is the Son, and in Him we are children. "

After the Marian prayer, he added spontaneously: "Remember this: Following Jesus is not a decorative thing because faith is the strength of the soul." He then asked those present to pray "for the victims of the ferry disaster in the Philippines and their families" (see: Cebu, ferry sinks leaving 28 dead and over 270 missing)

Finally he added: "We continue to pray for peace in Egypt." And he prompted pilgrims in the square to pray together: "Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us".

The list of Christian churches, schools, institutions, shops torched by the Muslim Brotherhood in the last three days

The following list of 58 looted and burned buildings (including convents and schools) has been verified by representatives of the Christian Churches.

Cairo (AsiaNews) - At least 58 Christian churches, schools, institutions, homes and shops have been attacked, looted and torched over the last three days by the Muslim Brotherhood and supporters of Mohamed Morsi, the former Egyptian president who was deposed on 3 July . On August 14 the army has tried to evict the sit-in of the Islamists in Rabaa El Nahda Square and Adaweya. In a wave of devastating violence, over 600 people were killed and thousands injured. But violent attacks were also carried out on Catholic, Orthodox, Evangelical churches as well as the homes and shops of Christians, as we have documented

The representatives of the Christian Churches have drawn up a list which we publish below. The list was handed over to AsiaNews by the Press Office of the Catholic Church in Egypt.

Catholic churches and convents
  • 1. Franciscan church and school (road 23) - burned (Suez)
  • 2. Monastery of the Holy Shepherd and hospital - burned (Suez)
  • 3. Church of the Good Shepherd, Monastery of the Good Shepherd - burned in molotov attack (Asuit)
  • 4. Coptic Catholic Church of St. George - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 5. Church of the Jesuits - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 6. Fatima Basilica - attacked - Heliopolis
  • 7. Coptic Catholic Church of St. Mark - burned (Minya - Upper Egypt)
  • 8. Franciscan convent (Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary) - burned (Beni Suef, Upper Egypt)
  • 9. Church of St. Teresa - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
  • 10. Franciscan Church and School - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
  • 11. Convent of St Joseph and school - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 12. Coptic Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart - torched (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 13 Convent of the Sisters of Saint Mary - attacked (Cairo)
  • 14. School of the Holy Shepherd - attacked (Minya, Upper Egypt)

    Orthodox and Evangelical Churches
  • 1. Anglican Church of St. Saviour - burned (Suez)
  • 2. Evangelical Church of St Michael - surrounded and sacked (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
  • 3. Coptic Orthodox Church of St. George - Burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 4. Church of Al-Esla - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
  •  5. Adventist Church - burned, the pastor and his wife abducted (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
  •  6. Church of the Apostles - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
  •  7. Church of the Holy renewal - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
  • 8. Diocesan Centre Coptic Orthodox Qusiya - burned (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
  • 9. Church of St. George - burned (Arish, North Egypt)
  • 10. Church of St. George in al-Wasta - burned (Beni Suef, Upper Egypt)
  • 11. Church of the Virgin Mary - attacked (Maadi, Cairo)
  • 12. Church of the Virgin Mary - attacked (Mostorod, Cairo)
  • 13. Coptic Orthodox Church of St. George - attacked (Helwan, Cairo)
  • 14. Church of ​​St. Mary of El Naziah - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
  • 15. Church of Santa Damiana - sacked and burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
  • 16. Church of St. Theodore - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
  • 17. Evangelical Church of al-Zorby - Sacked and destroyed (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
  • 18. Church of St. Joseph - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
  • 19. Franciscan School - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
  • 20. Coptic Orthodox Diocesan Center of St. Paul - burned (Gharbiya, Delta)
  • 21. Coptic Orthodox Church of St. Anthony - burned (Giza)
  • 22. Coptic Church of St. George - burned (Atfeeh, Giza)
  • 23. Church of the Virgin Mary and father Abraham - burned (Delga, Deir Mawas, Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 24. Church of St. Mina Abu Hilal Kebly - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 25. Baptist Church in Beni Mazar - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 26. Church of Amir Tawadros - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 27. Evangelical Church - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 28. Church of Anba Moussa al-Aswad- burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 29. Church of the Apostles - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 30. Church of St Mary - arson attempt (Qena, Upper Egypt)
  • 31. Coptic Church of St. George - burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)
  • 32. Church of Santa Damiana - Attacked and burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)
  • 33. Church of the Virgin Mary - burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)
  • 34. Church of St. Mark and community center - burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)
  • 35. Church of Anba Abram - destroyed and burned (Sohag, Upper Egypt)

    Christian institutions
  • 1. House of Fr. Angelos (pastor of the church of the Virgin Mary and Father Abraham) - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 2. Properties and shops of Christians - Burnt (Arish, North Egypt)
  • 3. 17 Christian homes attacked and looted (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 4. Christian homes - Attach (Asuit, Upper Egypt)
  • 5. Offices of the Evangelical Foundation - burned (Minya, Upper Egypt)
  • 6. Stores, pharmacies, hotels owned by Christians - attacked and looted (Luxor, Upper Egypt)
  • 7. Library of the Bible Society - burned (Cairo)
  • 8. Bible Society - burned (Fayoum, Upper Egypt)
  • 9. Bible Society- burned (Asuit, North Egypt). 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Independent India and Virgin Mary

On the 15th of August, Catholics celebrate Mary’s Assumption; she was taken to Heaven after resurrection.   It is a really important day for the Catholics, especially in Corsica, my childhood area where I go on summer holiday and where religion used to be very important. By the way, many women have their names starting with Marie there: Marie-Pierre, Marie-Françoise, Marie-Jeanne and so on.  Myself, my first name is Marie-Laetitia. But for my blog, it’s Marilay.
So, yesterday, I went to the church because we celebrated Mary. Strangely enough, I wasn’t christened when I was a baby, so now I am considered as an atheist. When your parents are Hindu, you become Hindu naturally as soon as you are alive. In Catholicism, it’s different. Of course, I can join the Catholic Religion but I have to study for two years before being allowed to be christened. So, you must be very motivated! I can also choose another religion like Islam or Buddhism. But my culture is Christian and my parents are catholic, so I sometimes follow them when they go to the church.
I have no religion but I love religions. That’s why I love India because there are plenty of religions and believers. Spirituality still exists in India and it is part of people’s lives. In France, it’s different;  I sometimes feel that religion can be practiced only in churches, mosques, temples… But once you are outside, religion is nowhere to be seen.
 Some people say that religions are bad but I think they’re wrong. People are bad, but religions, never. Religion is a tool; human beings have to use it the proper way. That’s all. I wish I were religious. But it is difficult to believe in God when you have never been educated in religion. I remember this quotation by Mohandas Gandhi: Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into. I totally agree with it!
So during the mass, yesterday, I read a text from the Bible: I was really nervous because I was alone before the village people and the priest and I had to read a complicated text about resurrection and it was the first time I had done that. I also sang in the chore with the ladies from the village. It wasn’t very good but what is important is to do something for the village. It is not X Factor!
So today, it is Mary’s day. It is my day. My relatives are supposed to kiss me and give me presents. So if you are called Marie, Mary or Maria…, I wish you a good day!
Independent India:
I also wish a good Independence Day to Indian people, of course. This day in 1947 when India became free from the British is celebrated everywhere in India and in the media.  I didn’t know how to celebrate this event apart from publishing a Youtube thing or flags or anything else. There are so many things aboutIndependence Day everywhere! So, I have found this picture of a sculpture by Philippe Ramette: The Installation (Inner Public Square), 2011. I took this picture at the famous exhibition at Beaubourg ( Paris-Delhi-Bombay). It is an Indian young woman who is climbing up to a pedestal. I found it was a great symbol of independent India but also the symbol of the status of women in India which is changing; the woman is climbing slowly to a place where only men used to be; the woman is climbing to independence and to freedom from the patriarchal rule.
Posted on  by Marilay Pancrazi 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The conversion of Manisha

by Nirmala Carvalho [03/18/2013 17:42 INDIA]
A life marked by painful losses she approached Christ. Then she met a Catholic, now her husband, and she began the catechumenate. "I sought God in every moment." She will be baptized at Easter.

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - "It is as if God came looking for me, in every moment of my life, encouraging me and comforting by His Word." This is the story of Manisha Ansurkar, 25, who during the Easter Vigil will be baptized and become Christian, after following the journey of the catechumenate for two years. Born into a Hindu family on September 8, 1987, the feast of the Nativity of Our Lady, her life has been marked by death and serious illness since she was small, at five years of age she lost her mother, followed seven years later by her sister , Meenashi, which died at the age of 16 due to illness.

Following the death of her sister, her father remarried and plunged deeper into the Hindu culture and traditions. Manisha describes her family as "not very religious, although constant in the practice the daily rituals." It's the same for her: "I did not follow any rules as such and hardly went to a temple or had prayer time." At 18 she suffered a fresh blow: her father became very ill, and she and her loved ones faced great economic difficulties. " I attended the Novena of Our Lady of Perpetual Help at St. Michael's Church, Mahim - she recalls- pleading with Our Lady to save my father's life."

Her prayers were heard: her father gradually improved, until he was cured. Life returned to normal. "After all that well though - she admits - I again stopped praying and was busy with my own routine and daily life. I forgot how God had heard my prayers and given me what I wanted and stopped interacting with Jesus".

The turning point came some time later: " Then after a few years, Jesus came searching for me, he brought the most wonderful person into my life , my future husband Remeth Lobo, who professed the Catholic Faith." The two were married in 2011, with the blessing of Manisha's father and stepmother. Remeth brought her closer to Catholicism: "while was unsure about following Jesus,  I did have faith in Jesus; It is at this point of time that I started knowing about Jesus and I wondered how anyone could give up his life for us sinners. How can God sacrifice his Son for  people who hardly listen to him or obey him? I think He has some plans for me and so I joined  the catechumenate  program. "

"Having to honor many gods - Manisha says - has always confused me, it was something that left me exhausted, dissatisfied and restless. Believing in one God instead has made me stronger and healed my spirit."

"The promise of the resurrection from the dead - she continues - has found a special place in my heart, because it meets one of my greatest desires: to be reunited in heaven with my mother and my sister. Even my name, Manisha, means 'wish'. All this gives me hope and peace. " Without knowing it, she notes, "I have been a witness of God's love since I was born. The Lord has chosen me to be born on the day of the Nativity of Our Lady, to protect me under her motherly mantle. This is the Wisdom and Love of God for me. "


Bhisham, the young Sindh baptized on Easter night

by Nirmala Carvalho [04/08/2010 15:16 INDIA]
The night of the Easter vigil in the church of S. Anna in Mumbai, a young man was baptised after a journey that began in 1998. His story, and vocation to the priesthood, begin with a mass. 

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - Bhisham Chandiramani is a young entrepreneur of 31 from the region of Sindh. The night of the Easter Vigil he was baptized in the church of St. Anna in St. Anne's Palli in the suburb of Bandra in Mumbai. On his entry into the Church he asked God to become his apostle, to "bring the world the Good News." But his journey of faith began in 1998 when for the first time he accompanied a friend to church.
He tells his story: "Entering the church of St. Anna, that first time, was totally unexpected, almost accidental. Instead of wandering around the neighbourhood waiting for my friend, in fact, I decided to go with him. I attended the function, I was very influenced by the Eucharist, I listened carefully to the Scriptures and the Gospel, I was  attracted to their teachings, I felt a sense of inner peace. I could not understand what was happening, but I certainly felt the presence of God I knew I'd be back the next day. "
The family of Bhisham, all Sindh of Hindu faith, are not fundamentalists: "My parents are not very practicing, but we were still taught prayer and faith. Especially my mother, who brought me and my younger brother to the temple of Hanuman [the monkey-god] every Saturday. But we did not understand what was happening: the bell is struck, offerings were made and nothing else. No reflection, no time together. It was a ritual, nothing more. "
In any case, "my mother taught us the correct values, and has always stressed the difference between right and wrong. Every year, during the Mahashivaratri [the "Great Night of Shiva, one of the most important festivals of Hinduism ed], my father took us on a pilgrimage to the temple of the god. And there I never understood why god, in a fit of rage, could have decapitated his son: where was the compassion and forgiveness of this god? But my father also prayed to the Virgin Mary, and every year we went to the Basilica of Our Lady of Mount to give thanks. "
Bhisham continued to go to Mass, after his first experience in February 1998, almost every day: "Every time I felt peace, and the sermons helped me in everyday life." But one Sunday morning, his father saw him leave the church and he complained to his wife. Who defended her son: "Let him be as he wishes. And he thought, well at least he was not wasting his time on dishonourable activities".   the mother responded in similar tones to relatives who were starting to fear young man’s conversion.
In 2001, Bhisham felt called to serve God for the rest of his life, but his vocation was hampered by the fact that it was not a Catholic and has not yet received the Eucharist. In May the following year, however, he discovered the rosary for the first time by going to evening Mass. Devotion to the Mother of God drew him immediately and he started reciting the Marian prayer. But the same day his father fell seriously ill and Bhisham became even closer to faith. The father died on Christmas Day of that year, in peace.
On 18 December 2003, the young man moved to work in Bahrain. Even there, a Muslim emirate, he built a small altar in his room before which every day he recited the Rosary: "Even when I was very tired, I prayed. I happened to fall asleep even in the middle of my prayers".  He also went to church four days a week, travelling the country in constant heat. In July 2004 he started to wonder what he was doing, so far from home; he did not want to miss the feast of Our Lady of the Mount, 8 September, and so returned home five days earlier.
In May 2006, the old Catholic woman who leads the Rosary in St. Anna moved to Goa, and the community asked Bhisham to lead the prayer. A few months later, with his brother, he opened a clothing store: wanting to make an impression he clearly chose a Christian name "Adam and Eve", and now the boutique is known for its excellent service.
In 2009, the young Hindu took the plunge and decided to start catechism: "But I did not want it to be in St. Anna, where no one knew that I was not Catholic. So I went to a nearby parish: there, the catechist threw me out saying I was late, as classes began in early July and was already at the end of the month. " Saddened, he spoke with another parishioner of St. Anna, who in 2009 led him to the priest. Although August, Bhisham was accepted into catechism.
The young man was thrilled by the class,: "The lessons were enlightening. I am fascinated by the universality of the Church which is everywhere in the world, and the fact that Catholics pray together every day on the planet with the same readings at the Eucharist. The day before my baptism, Holy Saturday, I spent in meditation I prayed asking God to be a worthy member of the chosen people. And I asked him to be faithful to him alone. However, I know that God forgives and is full of compassion for the sinner. "

The call to the priesthood is still alive in the young: "I asked the Lord to become one day, his apostle to bring the Good News to everyone." The mother of Bhisham did not attend the baptism of her son, but has no problem with his conversion. she also signed an agreement for the choice of her son and is ready to put up with the criticism of the family.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

महिला शक्ति स्क्रीन : सोनी सोरी को दी जा रही हैं एक्सपायरी दवाएं

महिला शक्ति स्क्रीन : सोनी सोरी को दी जा रही हैं एक्सपायरी दवाएं: दवा का नाम है Fluconazole Tablets IP NUFORCE–200 Himanshu Kumar   अर्थात जानेमाने गाँधीवादी नेता हिमांशु कुमार ने अभी कुछ ही समय पूर्...